This Article is Translated from The January 9th,2009 Post By Our Sister Newservice, Asnycnow15fr http://asnycnow15french-news.blogspot.com/
for the original article go to French-Language News From Asnycnow15
The "Fansubs" they begin the future of TV series?
by Asnycnow15 News
(Asnycnow15fr)While it is now possible to find on the Net any series subtitled in major languages of the planet, thanks to the fans-who volunteer translators. And the limit of legality.
For several years, the phenomenon of "fansub" expands on the Web. Behind the name are hidden barbaric people, and sometimes real organizations whose sole purpose is to bring pleasure to the latest episodes of a television series.
The Japanese animation cartoon on the Web The problem particularly affects animes (pronounced "lively"), these cartoons in a Japanese manga style. Why? Because there are a large variety, like the manga. Very often they are not distributed in Western countries, because production companies are reluctant to invest in these highly targeted series. This allows groups to "Fansubs" to flourish.
The most successful American series such as "Desperate Housewives" or "CSI" are also available almost instantly on the Net. But the episodes are longer to translate (40 minutes on average, against 20 for an anime), and intellectual property rights are much more strict, the majority of these series with distributors abroad. Finally, these series are widely distributed throughout the world and therefore more accessible to the public.
Today, for the series success in Japan, the process takes less than 24 hours to get an English version, and a little more for another language. The "fansubbers" other countries often wait for the English version be translated into their own language, because English bilinguals are more common than bilingual Japanese.
A well-run At the root of Dattebayo-FR, the French branch of Dattebayo, the groups of "Fansubs" the best known of the Web, a young officer of 25 years known as the pseudo Tipii. Fan of the first hour of "Naruto", inspires the most downloaded, he decided in 2005 to take charge of the translation into French.
Only in its infancy, it got the original and the English translation provided by the "subbers" American, and adapted into French. To benefit the rest of the community of fans, it distributes its videos via IRC, a simple chat program that allows users to recover by focus.
"Many fans have offered their help on IRC. Some were involved in the translation when I did not have time, others have provided technical advice to improve the quality of videos," says Tipii. His team now has several dozen people.
True to the spirit of the Internet, Dattebayo-EN respects the concept of free education. For Tipii, fansub philosophy is to "make something free and able to bring the French community. But I remain a fan first."
Soon victim of its success, in 2006 he launched a website, now in its third version, which offers a dozen translated anime. Tipii estimated 100 to 000 the number of downloads of an episode of Naruto in the week following its release online. "The accommodations, it represents 4 terabytes per month," says Lowan, developer of the site. And that's without counting viewings on Dailymotion and YouTube, or other sites that will in turn distribute the file.
The figures of the English version is even more impressive. According to the site Dattebayo.com, the average download an episode in 2008 around 450 000.
The borders of legality Until the series is not officially distributed in the country in question, it is not always beneficial right to submit claims. Japanese studios do not always complain because the "Fansubs" ensure their international distribution free.
Some production companies Western eventually buy licenses, sometimes as a result of the success encountered by these series on the Internet through "Fansubs. This is the case in France and the United States for the series "Naruto". Groups of "Fansubs are usually contacted and asked to cease their activities.
Team Dattebayo-FR did not escape the rule. Lowan remembers. "One day we received a mail from a French distributor for a series that 'subbie'," he says. This was followed by a discussion and ultimately, I think they've decided to leave us alone. Anyway, if you stop, other 'teams' would be created [group "fansubbers"]. The problem of the Internet that it is incrontrôlable. "
Côté distributor sounds different. For Cedric Littardi, CEO of the company which operates several Kaze licenses, the problem is rather the pattern of consumption that arises from "Fansubs. "For a young adolescent, it has become normal to see an episode 'fansubbé' on Dailymotion free, he lamented. The fans must understand that producing a cartoon is very expensive and it takes time to produce a translation of quality. "
Tipii, he does not consider that there be a competition between "fansubbers and distributors. 'Old' Fansubs' do not want a dubbed version in French. They are used for years to vote in Japan. In contrast, viewers who discovered the series in English will not necessarily download a original subtitled, "he says.
An amicable cohabitation is even more conceivable that the "fansubbers" are most often a good margin ahead in terms of numbers of episodes. But according to Cédric Littardi, the effects of "fansub" are already being felt to Japan: "Some studios are almost bankrupt, the number of animated series is produced in fall of almost 50%. It is the creation itself is being affected. " Not sure the argument that prevents hundreds of thousands of addicts to download the latest episode of their favorite show.
Story By Asnycnow15fr
Source:France 24
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